I'm Not a Doctor, But I Play One on TV

I am in no way a medical professional. Information provided is just my experience. If you need medical information, please contact your doctor.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why do I let it bother me?

It is early Sunday evening, March 21, 2010.  Healthcare reform is about to be voted in.  I have been popping in at www.huffingtonpost.com every once in a while to see the daily news.  Of course the majority of it is about the healthcare bill.  I will be so happy to see this done and over with.  While I would have prefered a public option or even better, a single payer system, this is better than nothing.  At the very least, my son with a chronic illness will have some options if we are to ever afford health insurance for the family before the subsidies kick in, or he ages out of the system.  That, as a parent of a child already dealing with numerous health issues, is a huge weight off my shoulders.  I worry for my son.  He will already have so much to deal with, I can't imagine having the worries of how he will sustain his own life.

But this goes beyond my son with a chronic illness.  I would like insurance too.  I am in my mid 30s and I feel the pressure to have insurance.  Maybe we would qualify for medicaid based on our current income, I don't know.  But see, just because I am poor, it doesn't mean I go looking for all the assistance I can find.  I look for what I need, what my children need.  Yet I see so many of my friends and family making assumptions about "the poor" in such broud sweeping strokes.  If I speak up I hear the "your the exception to the rule".  But am I?  I think I am just like a lot of struggling families out there.  Because you "know me" then I am the exception?  Are you really that short sighted?  Can you not put yourself in anyone else's shoes and feel their struggle?

I really don't know why this bothers me so deeply.  Yet, I am proud to say that it bothers me.  I have a heart.  I care about others, not just myself.  I have seen bad things happen to good people.  I know that those bad things can happen to me and I know they can happen to you.  Part of me just wants to scream and tell the world of my own personal troubles, to shine the light on the truth and say, "Hey, you are talking about ME!" when you make those statements.

So while I can enjoy friendships with people with different beliefs from my own, I can't tolerate ignorance and self superiority.  I enjoy friendships with people from so many walks of life and representing many races and religions.  I benefit from them and I hope they benefit from me.  But when your words are words of ignorance and hate then I have to question your character.  When character comes into question, for me, it is a deal breaker.  

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Amy said...

Michelle, I understand how you feel, probably better than you know. I've lived almost my entire life w/o health insurance and watched medical bills destroy any hope of financial stability for my poor, working class family growing up. My mom was on welfare after my dad died from D complications and we encountered a lot of discrimination and hatred. It was hard.
So, my husband and I have done everything in our power to make sure we keep insurance in place for our family. I have worked at a number of jobs just to have benefits. I worked nights as a hospital clerk through my entire pregnancy (on top of being a self-employed Realtor)with Emma so I would be covered and she would have the best health care when she was born. Nick has worked 2-3 jobs at a time to make sure we could afford the premiums and cobra (so he and Emma wouldn't be labeled as pre-existing) and co-pays on diabetes supplies for two D's. It hasn't been a picnic by any stretch of the imagination, but we believe 100% that it's the right thing to do for people who are capable of doing it.
So does the thought of our taxes going through the roof, pushing our horrible economy closer to ruin and possibly losing the best health care services, (that we have worked like hell to get in the first place), so others don't have to pay anything... insight some heated debate?? Of course it does.
Obviously no one has all the answers, and if our government could afford to provide free health care to everyone in need I would support it in a heartbeat. But the government is broke and adding a massive tax burden to those who still have jobs (in this lovely economy) only forces more people to rely on help, which becomes a terrible vicious cycle with few options for anyone. I honestly fear that the economy may collapse under the strain... and then what will our kids do. It's scary stuff that causes an unusual level of passion, even for ani-political me! lol

So, I really hope that comments from my family have not hurt you personally. If they have I sincerely apologize. I just wanted you to see a little glimpse from behind the scenes at our house too. There are no easy answers here. :\

Michelle said...

Amy, gosh it wasn't anything to do with your family. As I have told your husband, I don't pick my friends based on political beliefs. I think we all agree to disagree. This was particularly about the ignorant statements made by people who, honestly, don't know a thing about politics or the real world so I wish they would keep their ignorant traps shut.

We (our families) happen to not agree on this issue. That is perfectly ok with me. I hope we will always be able to lean on each other for support. :)