I'm Not a Doctor, But I Play One on TV

I am in no way a medical professional. Information provided is just my experience. If you need medical information, please contact your doctor.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Wow! What it is like to be on the receiving end of negativity

Today I was woken to a phone call from a member of our homeschooling group. She wanted to know if I had seen a recent email that she received. A member (now ex member) of the group completely trashed me to the entire yahoo group for our homeschool group. It was very negative. It was a complete attack. It came from a place of probable misunderstanding. It definitely came from a place of hurt, on the part of the attacker. After she left her hate message she unsubscribed from the group. Kind of a cowardly thing to do. Then another member followed her lead and left a nasty message and withdrew. So far, that is the end of the fall out, but I can't help but think there is more coming.

So how do I respond and do I need to respond, that is the question. The fighter in me wants to set the record straight. I would love to point out that she probably feels that her toes are being stepped on since we have tried to reorganize the group. She obviously feels I am the ring leader. And basically I think I just took the brunt of her anger.

Problem, by responding she wouldn't even see it as she isn't a member any more. Second, it isn't like my response is going to change her opinion of me. Third, the entire incident (email) has kind of been ignored which could be a good thing. Do I really want to bring it up? Lastly, I really think she had already stepped back from the group since the reorganization and this was her way of going out in a blaze of glory.

So do I need to respond? If so, how do I do it? I feel like I need some reassurance that her feelings are not the majority. If they are, I would be happy to step down from my position. But if they don't feel that her email was appropriate, I would like to know it.

The second girl that jumped on the band wagon I THOUGHT I had a good relationship with. So that is where I am puzzled. That is what makes me question what I have been trying to do. Who else feels that way?

Well, I think I have rambled enough. If you are reading this and you happen to have seen the emails and would like to post your suggestions, they would be much appreciated.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Winding down from the Homeschool Blast

Today was a really hot and HUMID day! I am sitting here on my couch so tired, probably from the heat. I spent my afternoon at the Homeschool Blast. It is a local gathering of homeschoolers and vendors, here in the Kalamazoo area. I should be cleaning house getting ready for Wieland's birthday party tomorrow, but I just don't want to move.

This year was much different than last year's blast. I actually felt like there were a lot of people I at least recognized! I must be really entering the "counter culture" :) Homeschoolers are homeschoolers are homeschoolers! We might all homeschool for different reasons, but we are still homeschoolers. It is always inspiring to see the homeschoolers in the area in one place. We are not alone in our homeschooling journey, though it might sometimes feel like it. There are so many of us out there, so many resources.

I also enjoyed visiting with Nikki and her family. We got to spend a lot of time together and it was enjoyable (like always). It is nice to have a family we all click with. THAT doesn't happen very often around here! :)

Okay, I am sunburned (although I swear I was in the shade all day) and really beat. I am heading to bed so I can get up and whip through this house.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Westin Update

We upped his anti seizure (Trileptal) meds just a tad. We haven't seen any side effects to the adjustment which is nice. When he started on them he was wacky for a few days. I don't think he would have passed a sobriety test! I don't think we would have seen another seizure any time soon so it doesn't surprise me that we still haven't. It is hard to say if the dosage works. It works as long as we don't have one. :) Most people that have a seizure never see another, even without meds. I sure wish we would have been that lucky.

Before we upped the medication Westin was able to take it in pill form. But now we upped it such a small amount we were forced to go back to liquid, which Westin hates. But I guess you do what you have to do.

The funniest thing was that Westin tried to blame our math work from the day before the seizure on why he had the seizure. So after taking a few days off, he tried to tell me that the math was going to cause another seizure...nice try :)