I'm Not a Doctor, But I Play One on TV

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Friday, August 29, 2008

Wow! What it is like to be on the receiving end of negativity

Today I was woken to a phone call from a member of our homeschooling group. She wanted to know if I had seen a recent email that she received. A member (now ex member) of the group completely trashed me to the entire yahoo group for our homeschool group. It was very negative. It was a complete attack. It came from a place of probable misunderstanding. It definitely came from a place of hurt, on the part of the attacker. After she left her hate message she unsubscribed from the group. Kind of a cowardly thing to do. Then another member followed her lead and left a nasty message and withdrew. So far, that is the end of the fall out, but I can't help but think there is more coming.

So how do I respond and do I need to respond, that is the question. The fighter in me wants to set the record straight. I would love to point out that she probably feels that her toes are being stepped on since we have tried to reorganize the group. She obviously feels I am the ring leader. And basically I think I just took the brunt of her anger.

Problem, by responding she wouldn't even see it as she isn't a member any more. Second, it isn't like my response is going to change her opinion of me. Third, the entire incident (email) has kind of been ignored which could be a good thing. Do I really want to bring it up? Lastly, I really think she had already stepped back from the group since the reorganization and this was her way of going out in a blaze of glory.

So do I need to respond? If so, how do I do it? I feel like I need some reassurance that her feelings are not the majority. If they are, I would be happy to step down from my position. But if they don't feel that her email was appropriate, I would like to know it.

The second girl that jumped on the band wagon I THOUGHT I had a good relationship with. So that is where I am puzzled. That is what makes me question what I have been trying to do. Who else feels that way?

Well, I think I have rambled enough. If you are reading this and you happen to have seen the emails and would like to post your suggestions, they would be much appreciated.

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