I'm Not a Doctor, But I Play One on TV

I am in no way a medical professional. Information provided is just my experience. If you need medical information, please contact your doctor.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Homeschooling on a TIGHT budget!

So I had big plans for curriculum this year but when it came time to order, I really didn't have the money. So, here is the plan as I see it at this point.

1. I ordered "Writing Strands 3" off ebay for a total of $11 and some change, including shipping. This was one item I really wanted an couldn't get at the library.

2. I have decided to work Westin through the Math U See online printable practice sheets rather than buy the entire curriculum at this time. I think we will finish with the section that I think he would be in and then when we are ready to move on, order the actual curriculum. He is kind of in the middle of a series at this point so I feel pretty comfortable with this decision.

3. For science we have decided to make use of this great telescope my dad is letting us borrow. So we are going to be studying astronomy.

4. For history we are continuing our study of US History. We are going to be using "The History of US" by Joy Hakim. I think we will start on volume 4.

5. We just finished reading "The Indian in the Cupboard" and even watched the movie. We have discovered there are numerous sequels to this book so we plan to go through those one by one.

6. As the election approaches we are going to learn about the voting process, presidential requirements and the electoral college. Why not, it only happens like this every 4 years!

7. I will be purchasing "Mind Benders" A1/A2 software for the computer. It is a logic game. I decided on the software as I tend to give too many hints. This way the computer can control it and deduct points.

Oh, and Wieland will be right along with us for most of it! (Ask me how I feel about that in a week) I am going to start him on "The Well Trained Mind".

If you are reading this, you might be thinking, "What would Michelle like for her birthday?" Amazon gift cards!

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