I'm Not a Doctor, But I Play One on TV

I am in no way a medical professional. Information provided is just my experience. If you need medical information, please contact your doctor.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

UGH!!! Website HORROR Story!!!

I spent HOURS today working on my new site www.HomeschoolKalamazoo.com I put in all sorts of links and such. After I did a spell check everything went wacky! When I uploaded it put things in wacky places and deleted all sorts of things. Could it have deleted something small? NO! It deleted my LONG list of local links! I called support and they showed me where I could find a back up but of course I lost all that work I did today.

My head hurts and I need to start dinner. What a waste of a day home, without Wieland interrupting. So if you look at the website, nothing has changed today, including the spelling errors. I am walking away from the computer before my head explodes!

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