I'm Not a Doctor, But I Play One on TV

I am in no way a medical professional. Information provided is just my experience. If you need medical information, please contact your doctor.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Personalize your pump, phone, laptop, make big stickers for your walls...

Skinit skins for your iPhone, laptop and hundreds of other hot new devices. Skins for new devices added weekly! I have a new hobby! You can personalize just about anything. If you have a Medtronic Minimed pump, you can customize your skin here. (That is how I came about the link, shopping over at the Minimed online store) If I am correct, it looks like you can even personalize your cochlear implant. What will be next?

Another fun thing, wall skins! You can pick from their stock images or use your own. Great options for kids rooms or even a cool wall in your bathroom? Or bedroom? I know I have so many ideas. (I have this one area on the back side of the sink area in the motor home that would be really cool to do something on.)

Oh, and all you New Moon fans, they have that too! Happy Shopping!Twilight - New Moon

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