I'm Not a Doctor, But I Play One on TV

I am in no way a medical professional. Information provided is just my experience. If you need medical information, please contact your doctor.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ning for Dummies by Manny Hernandez, a review by a current user and group owner

Recently I was privilege to receive a copy of Ning for Dummies to preview and review on my blog. I joined my first Ning group a few years ago. The group was Tudiabetes.com and it was created by Manny Hernandez, the author of Ning for Dummies. He had an amazing fire and was very successful in growing his Ning group to what is now 9,000 members! Manny has always been very helpful in answering questions I have had for other support groups I am involved with, later leading to the creation of my own Ning group. It was Manny himself that made Ning so appealing to me. He has always been so generous with his knowledge so I was obviously excited to see him author this book.

Ning provides users to create their own social networks like facebook and myspace. It is a great place to form a support group.

As a current user and Ning group owner, I immediately skipped right to page 209, Promoting Your Network, as that is where we (the other creators of http://www.homeschoolkalamazoo.ning.com/) are at in our Ning journey. Our small homeschool group as hit some lulls in the membership department. Even as an experienced Ning user and group creator I was able to pick up some great tips. Manny provides great ideas for customizing your group to fit your needs and great management tools. I think he has covered all the basis. Ning for Dummies makes a great book for those looking to start an online group and can even be useful for those who have already created a group.

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