I'm Not a Doctor, But I Play One on TV

I am in no way a medical professional. Information provided is just my experience. If you need medical information, please contact your doctor.

Monday, May 18, 2009

My 13th Anniversary

Today marks 13 years! I almost can't believe that we made it this long. There were some very turbulent years. Years I didn't want to be in this marriage. Probably the first 7 or so ;) Seriously, I wasn't committed to my marriage in any shape or form. I had a bad attitude and that poisons everything. My husband, either crazy or really in love with me, stuck with me. I could probably thank diabetes for helping to keep us together. What other choice did we have? I always questioned whether I could do it alone. Homeschooling sealed the deal. I found something that I loved doing and felt like I was really doing what was right for my child, now children. It also kept me out of trouble. For once in my adult life I was content. I wasn't thinking about my future plans. I now live for today and am satisfied and happy. What a relief!

Here's to the rest of our slow paced life! Cheers! (The pic includes my grandparents, Otis and Mary Hermenitt.)

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