I'm Not a Doctor, But I Play One on TV

I am in no way a medical professional. Information provided is just my experience. If you need medical information, please contact your doctor.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I have the best son

Westin is the best. He is 12, he has type 1 diabetes and celiac disease. He also has a form of epilepsy, a swallowing problem related to seasonal allergies, chronic acid indigestion, asthma. I list those last, as they don't affect him on such a major "effects my daily life" level. Type 1 diabetes is a disease that is dealt with 24 hours a day. He is thinking about it all day. I am thinking about it all day and night. Celiac disease affects every meal decision.

In my earlier post, I talked about this wonderful gluten free bread that landed on our door step last month. Well, the 8 initial loaves are gone. We have 2 slices left. I really had intended on ordering another 8 on Monday but when looking at the limited funds in my checkbook, I just couldn't swing it. I had to break the news to Westin this morning that I wasn't going to be able to order any more any time soon. He just said, "Ok." and went on with his day.

He loves this bread! Obviously, he has gone through 8 loaves since the 18th of December. I know he is going to be bummed when the reality of it being gone really hits. It upsets me more than cutting our budget way down for Christmas. I mean, shouldn't bread be a given right? Nope, if you are celiac and on a limited income, it is a privilege.

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