I'm Not a Doctor, But I Play One on TV

I am in no way a medical professional. Information provided is just my experience. If you need medical information, please contact your doctor.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Things that make me cry

Today I got a message on Facebook from an old friend. We really haven't spoke in years, only because we just don't cross paths. But with Facebook being so popular, it is easy to cross cyber paths, which really makes happy. So I wanted to share her message. She will remain anonymous as I didn't tell her I was going to blog about her message.

Hi Michelle,

I just wanted you to know something...I read your messages that you post everyday about the daily struggles you have with Westin's health. I don't usually comment on them, but I read them ALL. For what it's worth, I just really wanted to tell you how amazing I think you are! You are a daily inspiration to me as a mother and a woman! I feel very thankful and lucky to have a healthy child, I won't even pretend to know what you go through. I just think that Westin couldn't have been more lucky than to have you for a mother. You are a warrior for your children and an inspiration to a newer mother like me! ...

Sorry for the randomness of this note, but I just had to let you know!

This made me cry. I wish I could send this to every mom I know. (That is why I am posting it here) As a mom, we don't get much credit, at least not so directly. I post my daily struggles with homeschooling, parenting, marriage, and especially diabetes and other random health issues, on facebook in hopes of educating those that don't choose to ignore my status updates. (I am sure there are some out there that just wish I would shut up already!) It is working. People are paying attention. I hope that will mean that one less child will die from a delayed diagnosis. I hope this means that a teacher in a school will show more compassion to the struggles of the student with diabetes. I hope that it will mean that my son's future employer (ok, I really hope that he follows in our footsteps and creates his own income) will see that he is perfectly capable of performing the desired tasks but will also allow for him to take care of his health. I hope it educates a police officer about diabetes so that he can help a struggling driver rather than assume he is drunk and disorderly. I think you can see where I am going with this.

I cried tears of gratitude for the very nice words. But I also cried tears of sadness, for the life that my son knows. He was diagnoses at 2 years old. He doesn't know life without diabetes. He doesn't know what it is like to just be care-free.

So thank you to the writer of this very thoughtful note. I REALLY appreciated it. It was the mother's day card I always hoped to get one day from my son when he is a parent and realizes all I have done for him. Thank you.

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